Partner Us

Outsourcing Partnership:
Its like just an extension of your office. You want a team to handled a project here in India, we can. If you want the experts travel to any part of the world for project execution and other requirements then also we can arrange it. You save the cost in outsourcing upto 65%. Do note we have a team with VISAS for U.S.A, Europe, U.A.E, Australia to work or attend the meetings, hence an immediate action could be taken on the project.

Referall partnership:
It is simple like just pointing us to the right customer and we shall do the complete execution right from planning to launching the project. In this you get the benefit of refering a client to us and percentage of the value depending upon the project size.

Project-based partnership:
You look for clients and work independently. Often some projects are too big or require special technical expertise and experience. In these cases you can always turn to Softagz technologies. You simply provide the project requirements. We give you the ability to deliver IT resources quickly and efficiently by giving you highly trained IT consultants and specialists. There are no initial payment or any deposits required. Just contact us and we shall take this furhter.